How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): May help with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood Pressure (Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links. The site owner might get a small commission if the link is used at no cost to you.) How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): Helps with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood Pressure How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): Helps with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood PressureButter beans are rich in magnesium, about 126 mg of magnesium per cup. The daily magnesium recommendation is 310 mg-420 mg. Men need more than women, and younger people need less than older people. Magnesium has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. The minimum effective dose that has shown positive benefits is 125 mg/day. **** Get your ingredients at the link below: Instacart This is an affiliate link that supports the channel if you make a…