The Silent Impact: How Uncontrolled Hypertension Threatens Your Brain Health

The Silent Impact: How Uncontrolled Hypertension Threatens Your Brain Health

Welcome to our latest blog post on a topic that’s both crucial and often overlooked: uncontrolled hypertension and its profound impact on brain health. Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, affects millions worldwide. But did you know that it’s not just a heart issue? It’s a brain issue, too, with serious implications for cognitive health. Today, we will discuss how uncontrolled hypertension can lead to cognitive decline and what you can do to protect your brain. Understanding Uncontrolled Hypertension Hypertension is often dubbed the "silent killer" for a reason. It can stealthily wreak havoc on your body without any obvious symptoms, sometimes for years. When blood pressure remains consistently high, despite treatment and lifestyle changes, it’s considered uncontrolled. This condition is alarmingly common. The World Health Organization estimates that…
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Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Its Connection to Hypertension

Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Its Connection to Hypertension

When we think about the health risks associated with hypertension, the immediate concerns that come to mind are heart disease and stroke. However, did you know that high blood pressure can also impact your vision? Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss among older adults, and there is a significant connection between AMD and hypertension. What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? AMD is a medical condition that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp and detailed vision. This condition is most prevalent in individuals over the age of 50 and is characterized by a gradual deterioration of the macula, leading to vision impairment. AMD occurs in two forms: dry (atrophic) and wet (neovascular). Dry AMD is more common and progresses slowly,…
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Empowering Hypertension Management: A Guide for Nurse Practitioners

Empowering Hypertension Management: A Guide for Nurse Practitioners

By Tonya Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP- As healthcare providers, nurse practitioners (NPs) hold a crucial role in supporting patients with hypertension, a condition that affects millions worldwide. In this episode, we'll explore the multifaceted approach NPs can take to empower patients in managing hypertension effectively, integrating key concepts such as the stages of change model, medication adherence, and self-blood pressure monitoring. Assessment and Education One of the foundational steps in hypertension management is thorough assessment and patient education. NPs should utilize tools like the stages of change model to gauge patients' readiness for behavior change. By understanding where patients are in their journey, NPs can tailor education and support to meet individual needs, fostering engagement and empowerment. Stages of Change Model The stages of change model, also known as…
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Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement: The Key to Diagnosing and Managing Hypertension

Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement: The Key to Diagnosing and Managing Hypertension

By Tonya Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-Welcome to the Hypertension Blog, where we break down important information about high blood pressure in a way that is easy to understand. Today, we're going to talk about why it's essential to measure blood pressure accurately and how different methods can help in diagnosing and managing hypertension. Did you know that elevated blood pressure and hypertension are major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases? In fact, they contribute to more cardiovascular events and lives lost due to disability than any other modifiable risk factor. That's why it's crucial to measure blood pressure accurately and identify individuals with hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is considered a significant risk factor for various health conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases. Here are some reasons why hypertension is considered…
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Understanding High Cholesterol: Causes, Risks, and Management Strategies

Understanding High Cholesterol: Causes, Risks, and Management Strategies

by Tonya L. Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, FNP, MPH-Today I want to tell you about cholesterol, review what it is, how it affects our health, and how to lower it if you have high cholesterol, among other things. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is present in the body and is essential for normal cell functioning. The liver produces it, and is also found in certain foods. [video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video] There are two types of cholesterol, LDL or "bad" cholesterol and HDL or "good" cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In contrast, HDL cholesterol helps to remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and transport it to the liver for processing and excretion. What Are the Causes of High Cholesterol One of the primary causes…
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Managing Stress and High Blood Pressure: How Prioritizing Your Values Can Help

Managing Stress and High Blood Pressure: How Prioritizing Your Values Can Help

by Tonya Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, FNP, MPH- Have you ever had your blood pressure increase unexpectedly although you are taking the same medications, eating the same foods, and doing the same exercises? You might not feel stressed and you are not sure what’s going on with your blood pressure. If this is happening to you, you might not be effectively managing your stress levels. Today I want to talk about the relationship between stress management and high blood pressure, and how some key strategies might potentially be useful for someone with hypertension. So let’s get to it. Hypertension High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a serious condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. However, it can be managed through lifestyle changes, medication, or a combination…
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Comparing Blood Pressure Measurements and Their Effect On Treatment

Comparing Blood Pressure Measurements and Their Effect On Treatment

by Tonya L. Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, FNP, MPH- Have you ever wondered if the way your blood pressure is measured could affect your diagnosis and treatment for hypertension? In this podcast episode, we will explore the differences between automated, attended, and ambulatory blood pressure measurements and how these differences may impact the treatment of hypertension. You probably know by known that High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common condition that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. In order to accurately diagnose and treat hypertension, it's important to have accurate blood pressure readings. But what you might not know is there are several ways to measure blood pressure besides the usual office measurement and home measurement. So, let’s unpack the definitions of these blood pressure methods. Automated…
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Headaches and Hypertension

Headaches and Hypertension

by Tonya Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, FNP, MPH- When you have a headache, the first thing you might think is that your blood pressure is elevated. Actually, research has shown that severe blood pressure (sbp>179, or dbp> 120) is likely the culprit of a headache, not mild elevations. What Causes Headaches There are primary and secondary headaches, and the majority of headaches are primary only 1% are secondary. Primary headaches are usually caused by a combination of lifestyle triggers, genetics, and developmental or environmental risk factors. However, secondary headaches are caused by something else: intracranial pressure or bleeding, inflammation in the brain or spinal cord, inflammation of the lining of your arteries in your head, tumor, or other things. Common Headaches The most common types of headaches are migraines, clusters, or…
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Paul Offit’s Questions About the COVID Booster

Paul Offit’s Questions About the COVID Booster

by Tonya L. Breaux-Shropshire, PhD, DNP, FNP, MPH Paul Offit's Questions About the COVID Booster. As Flu, RSV, and COVID continue to rise in the United States and elsewhere, you might be considering getting the vaccines. Of course, there is a vaccine for FLU and COVID and there is a COVID booster readily available. However, to date, there is no RSV vaccine available. Surprisingly enough, research has shown that a well-fitting mask such as an N95 would decrease your chances of becoming infected with any of these viruses. Yet, many, including the high-risk groups, are not wearing masks unless it is mandated, go figure. If you don't mind getting sick, take your chances and don't wear a mask. As we all know by now, vaccines do not prevent infection but…
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