How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): May help with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood Pressure

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How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): Helps with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood Pressure

How to Make Butter Beans (Lima): Helps with Stress, Anxiety, & Blood PressureButter beans are rich in magnesium, about 126 mg of magnesium per cup. The daily magnesium recommendation is 310 mg-420 mg. Men need more than women, and younger people need less than older people. Magnesium has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. The minimum effective dose that has shown positive benefits is 125 mg/day.

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How to make (Lima) Butter Beans and Rice

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1 pound butter beans
1/2 yellow onion
1 link sausage
Salt (Celtic, Himalayan, or sea salt) and pepper to taste

Soak beans overnight for the best health results and shorter cooking time. However, some doctors say that using a pressure cooker is sufficient and soaking is not necessary.

Some people might think of this as bean soup (lol) due to the loose consistency of the beans (juicy). If this is you, no worries, just saute until your desired consistency, which is usually another 10-20 minutes.


After about 10 years of conducting research and seeing people die with heart attack, stroke, and kidney or heart failure, I decided that I wanted to do more to improve blood pressure control. So, I opened a free hypertension clinic to coach patients one day a week for a couple of hours and saw clients improve their blood pressure while working with their doctors.

Hypertension Resistant to Treatment YouTube channel is the result of my relentless attempt to share everything I know to do even more to help others do what matters to manage their blood pressure.

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If you want to read my research work, paste the link below in your browser which includes studies from the landmarked Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention (SPRINT) Trial.

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