The Best Tool You Will Need for Blood Pressure Control!

The Best Tool You Will Need for Blood Pressure Control!

The Best Tool You Will Need for Blood Pressure Control! Blood Pressure Monitoring is essential for everybody but especially for people who are resistant to take blood pressure medication or people who's blood pressure is difficult to control. Blood pressure is dynamic and it varies. However, blood pressure should vary within the normal target goal blood pressure. Researches developed new hypertension guidelines that have set new controlled target goals blood pressure. In addition to monitoring in the medical clinic,  the new guidelines says that blood pressure less than 120/80 mm Hg is the target goal for the average person 55 years old or older. In 2015, researchers compared blood pressure taken by medical office staff with blood pressures taken by hypertension clinic experts. Poor blood pressure technique was found,…
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Potassium: Do You Have Enough?

Are you feeling tired, having chest palpitation, or muscle cramps in your legs? Why am I asking you these questions, and what would bananas have to do with these symptoms? I am glad you asked. Potassium deficiency might be an indication for primary aldosteronism. People with resistant hypertension commonly have low potassium. Primary Aldosteronism is a particular type of resistant hypertension that may require Spironaldactone, which could correct the low potassium level. See video below for the definition, and details about this diagnosis. The hormone aldosterone is released from the adrenal glands, WHICH are on top of each kidney. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system regulates blood pressure by regulating renin, angiotensin, aldosterone hormones. High levels of aldosterone cause an increase in sodium and decrease potassium levels. This change in the…
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