Potassium: Do You Have Enough?

Are you feeling tired, having chest palpitation, or muscle cramps in your legs? Why am I asking you these questions, and what would bananas have to do with these symptoms? I am glad you asked.

Potassium deficiency might be an indication for primary aldosteronism. People with resistant hypertension commonly have low potassium. Primary Aldosteronism is a particular type of resistant hypertension that may require Spironaldactone, which could correct the low potassium level. See video below for the definition, and details about this diagnosis.



The hormone aldosterone is released from the adrenal glands, WHICH are on top of each kidney. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system regulates blood pressure by regulating renin, angiotensin, aldosterone hormones.

High levels of aldosterone cause an increase in sodium and decrease potassium levels. This change in the production of hormones causes an increase of blood volume and resulting in high blood pressure.

One in 20 people with hypertension has primary aldosteronism, which is an overproduction of aldosterone. Surgery can MOST TIMES correct the problem. Therefore, less blood pressure medication is usually required to control blood pressure AFTER SURGERY. There will be a decrease in blood renin (KIDNEY ENZYME) levels and an increase in aldosterone levels. A ratio of aldosterone and renin is done to confirm diagnoses. A CAT SCAN of the abdomen can reveal if there is a tumor.

Secondary Aldosteronism

Causes are unknown. Clinically there will be increased plasma renin, increased aldosterone, and low potassium level.

Low potassium could cause osteoporosis. See the video from Nutritional Facts for more details.

How to Get Enough Potassium from Your Diet

Bananas contain potassium that you need to maintain a good potassium level for helping to decrease blood pressure . You might have a potassium deficiency if you are having the symptoms that are mentioned above.

Many times we as health care professionals emphasize lifestyle modification and exercise, but not tell you the step-by-step details what the lifestyle modifications are besides telling you to quit smoking. You can control your blood pressure. It really is possible without obsessing ON your blood pressure numbers! But you have to do certain things that will be explained step by step on the hypertensionresistanttotreatment.com website and podcast. So Listen Up! You will be glad that you invested the time and effort to take action daily to control your blood pressure one step at a time.

References Nutrition Facts https://nutritionfacts.org/

Other foods contain potassium as well, such as potatoes, beans, avocados, broccoli, and spinach, to name several. If you have resistant hypertension, which is hypertension that is resistant to treatment, then your potassium level might be low, especially if you are taking a water pill (diuretic) for your blood pressure. But potassium-sparing water pills help to prevent potassium loss.

Most people who is on a water pill need at least one banana a day to maintain a healthy potassium level. One average size banana contains anywhere from 300mg-400mg (milligrams) of potassium, which is equal to about 8-10 mEq (7.69230- 10.2564 milliequivalents) of potassium.

Testing for Potassium Levels

Just ask your doctor if your potassium level is normal (at least 4.0) or whatever the normal level is that is set by each lab. Your doctor will know the level that you need to have for optimal health on a water pill. Ask your doctor if you should be eating a banana or substitute with other food sources each day or with your blood pressure medications. Everybody is different depending on their health condition, resistant hypertension, kidney function, prescribed medications, and other things that could determine if supplemental potassium is needed from your diet.

Other Easy Sources of Potassium

You can purchase the inexpensive organic bananas from any wholesale club or you can get them form any grocer. The organic banana pouches can be purchase from any grocer as well or see this link https://amzn.to/2TXaQHP. Let’s just call them smoothies in a pouch instead of baby food, if you will.

Step By Step Instructions

Many times we as health care professionals emphasize lifestyle modification and exercise, but not tell you the step-by-step details what the lifestyle modifications are besides telling you to quit smoking. You can control your blood pressure. It really is possible without obsessing ON your blood pressure numbers! But you have to do certain things that will be explained step by step on the hypertensionresistanttotreatment.com website and podcast. So Listen Up! You will be glad that you invested the time and effort to take action daily to control your blood pressure one step at a time.

References Nutrition Facts https://nutritionfacts.org/
The opinions expressed are meant for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Consult your doctor or health provider for medical advice. The views expressed in this blog are my own and not those of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Veterans Affairs, or any other entity. I have an anti-spam policy and would never share your personal information. This site contains affiliate links for some products I recommend that I know are useful. If you purchase those products, I may earn a small commission at zero extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for your support!

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