Save Money and Time on Prescription Medications
Managing prescription costs is a key concern for many, especially for those with chronic health conditions. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of opting for a 90-day supply of medication, how to take advantage of savings programs like the $4 list and GoodRx, and share five proven ways to save money on prescription drugs. Additionally, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using private mom-and-pop pharmacies. Why Choose a 90-Day Supply Over a 30-Day Supply? A 90-day supply of medication can offer significant advantages over the traditional 30-day prescription refill schedule. Here’s why: 1. Cost Savings Many insurance plans and pharmacies offer lower pricing for a 90-day supply compared to three separate 30-day supplies. For example, insurers may charge two co-pays for a 90-day supply instead of three for…