Welcome to Hypertension Resistant To Treatment!

Welcome to Hypertension Resistant To Treatment!

Hi I’m Dr. Tonya! I am here to help you lower your high blood pressure. In most cases, uncontrolled blood pressure causes unnecessary health problems. BLOOD PRESSURE CAN BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT UNNECESSARY HEALTH PROBLEMS. If YOU are READY TO DO WHAT IT TAKES to control your blood pressure, start with the 30 Days To A Better Blood Pressure under the Hypertension School tab. After completing this program, go to the blog which has a new post at least every week. Let’s go!

We hope that you enjoy my blog and podcasts. I thank you in advance for your support!
Please subscribe to this blog, but most importantly, use the content to control your blood pressure and improve your health.

The opinions expressed are meant for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Consult your doctor or health provider for medical advice. The views expressed in this blog are my own and not those of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Veterans Affairs, or any other entity. I have an anti-spam policy and would never share your personal information. This site contains affiliate links for some products I recommend that I know are useful. If you purchase those products, I may earn a small commission at zero extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for your support!

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Voicemail Dr. Tonya!