Despite my strong family history of hypertension(mother, father, maternal grandmother, maternal grandfather), I have normal blood pressure. My blood pressure started to creep up several years ago and I started eating a diet rich in fruits and veggies. This has kept it in check.
I read several books about nutrition, which were the same old hoopla. Then, I viewed the documentaries I am recommending in this blog, which motivated me to make a plant-based diet my routine. No, I’m not a vegan or vegetarian (not yet). I eat mostly organic or grass-fed meats routinely.
Check out my top 5 documentaries to influence your mindset that may improve your diet. You will began to look at your food choices differently. I believe these videos will motivate you to eat real food that is essential to lower your blood pressure. You will never be the same in a good way.
I say this because after viewing, I think differently about food. For example, now I have an appetite for a plant base diet. However, I still eat meat and seafood, but better I make better choices, such as grass fed meats and wild caught fish.
The documentaries are VERY informative. They help you understand the health effects of food. GO to YouTube and cut and paste the title in to access the video. All are free for you to view. You will thank me later.
1) PlantPure Nation – The Official FREE YouTube Release
2) Folks Over Knives
3) The China Study Documentary
4) Hope: What You Eat Matters
5) World’s Top Nutrition Experts Explain Scientific Proven Benefits of a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet