Science or Fake News?

IVERMECTIN & COVID UPDATE. In this video, I give you an update on the results for the latest ivermectin meta-analysis, and I feature Dr. Pierre Kory, who will tell you more about his publication delay. Is this science or fake news, let me know in the comments? I read every one. Thanks for watching!

The podcast of this video contains a very passionate testimony by Dr.Kory. Listen below.

Here is a link of all the ivermectin studies used by Dr. Kory in his research; link provided by one of my viewers named Ese Callum, thanks Ese:

Also, see this link that Ese shared:

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The opinions expressed are meant for educational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Consult your doctor or health provider for medical advice. The views expressed in this blog are my own and not those of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Veterans Affairs, or any other entity. I have an anti-spam policy and would never share your personal information. This site contains affiliate links for some products I recommend that I know are useful. If you purchase those products, I may earn a small commission at zero extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for your support!

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