Welcome to Hypertension Resistant to Treatment Podcast!

Here evidence-based strategies meet personalized support in the journey to manage blood pressure effectively.

As a dedicated clinical scientist and nurse practitioner, I’ve encountered countless individuals grappling with uncontrolled blood pressure, often leading to preventable health complications and even fatalities.


My passion for creating this podcast stems from observing the profound impact of hypertension on individuals’ lives and recognizing the barriers hindering effective treatment. Many individuals resist prescribed therapies due to various factors, including limited health literacy, disparities in healthcare access, personal beliefs, and unsatisfactory experiences with healthcare providers. Through meticulous investigation, I’ve identified that these factors frequently intersect, exacerbating the challenge of hypertension management.


Hypertension Resistant To Treatment is crafted to bridge this gap by offering a platform for education, empowerment, and community support. By imparting evidence-based strategies, I aim to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate their blood pressure journey effectively. Moreover, I advocate for a holistic approach, acknowledging that some individuals may opt for alternative methods or a “watch and wait” approach under appropriate guidance.


Within this podcast, you’ll find a wealth of resources, including educational content, practical training modules, and invaluable support tailored to adults seeking to regain control over their blood pressure. Additionally, I encourage active engagement through the “Ask Dr. Tonya” segment, where listeners can submit queries anonymously, receiving personalized responses and guidance.


Connect with me on Twitter or Facebook, where you can interact, ask questions via voice messages, and stay updated on upcoming episodes. If you find this podcast beneficial, don’t forget to subscribe to ensure you never miss a crucial discussion. Your feedback is invaluable, so please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts – it fuels our mission to empower individuals in their hypertension journey.

Together, let’s navigate the complexities of hypertension and pave the way towards optimal blood pressure control and improved overall health. Welcome to Hypertension Resistant To Treatment – your partner in wellness.