Why I Created Hypertension Resistant To Treatment?
As a clinical scientist, I repeatedly witnessed people suffering from unnecessary illnesses and even death from uncontrolled blood pressure. Many did not want to take medication for the rest of their lives. However, they did not control their blood pressure. They were resistant to prescribed medication treatment in part due to the lack of health literacy or health equality, their beliefs, or their poor experience with their health care provider.

Most times it was a combination of at least 2-3 of these factors. I created Hypertension Resistant To Treatment to help people effectively control their uncontrolled blood pressure without excessive medication. I want to provide knowledge, training, resources, and support to everyone with uncontrolled blood pressure. Ask Dr. Tonya will give you the support that you need. Ask me anything about your blood pressure, and I will share your question on the podcast and answer your question.
Research has shown before your blood pressure can get better, you will need a certain skill set. You will need knowledge, training, resources, and support to obtain and maintain blood pressure control.
About Hypertension Resistant To Treatment
Who is this Podcast For?
This podcast is for everybody (adults) with uncontrolled blood pressure who are ready to take action. You can partner with your doctor to get control of your blood pressure within as little as 30 days. Using the information, training, resources, and support provided here, you can get control without excessive blood pressure medication.