Craving Ice? Get your Blood Level Checked Now!

Craving ice, dirt, caramel, or other cravings? Your blood level might be low, and you might need blood and iron. Excessive iron can be dangerous to your health. It is essential to know your iron level before taking any vitamins that contain iron. It is a known fact that people who crave ice are anemic. Anemia can be detrimental if your hemoglobin level is seven or below.

Ask your health care provider for a complete blood count, iron level, TIBC, and Ferritin level to assess your need for supplementation if you have cravings to ice. Hemoglobin of 7 or less may require a blood transfusion, and a ferritin level of less than 50 may require daily ferrous sulfate by mouth. If you have had a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, you may not be able to absorb iron given by mouth. You may need an iron transfusion to absorb the iron you need.

If you have an iron deficiency, you may be feeling exhausted, dizzy, and you may have fallen. Get tested to prevent serious problems. Consult a hematologist if you are on iron and have received blood but are not feeling better. You may need an iron transfusion.
