Can You Escape Hypertension?

Can You Escape Hypertension?

Blog, Top Posts Dr. Greger has done extensive work to bring together important research findings, which he reveals in his video above. According to research, the more fruit and vegetable you eat, the more you can lower your blood pressure. Lower blood pressure can be acquired in as little as seven days if you eliminate meat, eat fruit and vegetables, and walk 30 minutes a day. I am on a semi-vegetarian diet, walking 30 minutes, and eating fruit and vegetables every day. As a result, I have normal blood pressure. I challenge you to try this for 7 days. Let me know in the comment section below if it works for you.
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What Vitamins To Consider To Reduce Resistant Hypertension?

What Vitamins To Consider To Reduce Resistant Hypertension?

Blog, Top Posts
While I am not giving you medical advice, there are vitamins I want you to consider TO HELP REDUCE YOUR RESISTANT BLOOD PRESSURE. Ask your doctor if you need supplementation with vitamins that have been shown to help control blood pressure. They are vitamin D3, K2, AND MAGNESIUM. I will give you further details about these vitamins and how they help decrease blood pressure below. Resistant Hypertension and Vitamin D3 According to research, people with the lowest level of vitamin D have the highest blood pressure. Vitamin D is usually very low in African Americans and in others who do not get enough sunshine. Patients with chronic kidney disease most times have vitamin D3 deficiency. In fact, according to research found in the Archives Internal Medicine in 2009, 70%-80% of…
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Is Your Blood Pressure Controlled? Why NOT?

Is Your Blood Pressure Controlled? Why NOT?

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Why are so many people walking around with HIGH blood pressure?  Research has shown that only about 50% of Americans diagnosed with hypertension have controlled blood pressure. We suspect that barriers such as lack of access to medical care and medication, medication cost, poor medication adherence, physician inertia, and other issues must be considered.  In the United States, there are 20.7% of adults with resistant hypertension. Of this group with resistant hypertension, between 6.2-8.4% of adults have failed hypertension treatment. These adults have refractory hypertension and are at higher risk of poor cardiovascular outcomes such as stroke, heart attack, etc. People with resistant hypertension ARE MORE LIKELY OBESE, OLDER, AFRICAN AMERICAN, and HAVE CO-MORBITIES (DIABETES, CHRONIIC KIDNEY DISEASE, OR ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE). Lifestyle Modification and Hypertension Dr. Greger has a…
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