How To Get Your Blood Pressure Down Within A Few Minutes?

How To Get Your Blood Pressure Down Within A Few Minutes?

Problem Blood Pressure  Greater Than 130/85 mm Hg But Lower Than 160/100 mm Hg Sometimes you just need to get your blood pressure down now! How can you do it? I know you have probably seen the YOUTUBE videos with this claim such as the one below by the website "Healthy Me." You can't help but be skeptical because it is so simple. Breathing? Just breathing in a certain way could help bring blood pressure down? Are you kidding me? Nope...I have seen various breathing techniques to bring blood pressure down gradually withing minutes. Dr. Andrew Weil wrote a book about the technique he highly recommends. See this link for that information: Try This Solution Several of the techniques really work to bring blood pressure down because they involve…
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How to Control Your Blood Pressure in 6 Weeks Without Diet and Exercise!

How to Control Your Blood Pressure in 6 Weeks Without Diet and Exercise!

Who would recommend controlling your blood pressure without diet and exercise? I am, only IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO STICK TO LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS. Because I have seen blood pressure controlled even without diet and exercise many times. In the video below, Dr. Gregor discussed how a plant base diet can get your blood pressure down to as low as 120/70 mm Hg. Let's face it, we just want a pill for everything, right? Now, you can have it! The recent resistant hypertension guidelines estimate 14.8 % of Americans have resistant hypertension. Yet, there are lifestyle modifications you can do today to lower your blood pressure. What You Probably Already Know Most people ALREADY KNOW that they should do the following lifestyle modifications in order to lower their…
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5 Tips To Get Better Blood Pressure Control In 6 Weeks!

Everyone wants better blood pressure control. However, when you are just getting started with taking control of your blood pressure, it can be a challenge to know what to do. The key, is to remember that you do not have to do this by yourself. It is okay to reach out for help. Your health care provider, family, and friends can help you. Uncontrolled Blood Pressure No matter if you have hypertension, resistant hypertension, or refractory hypertension, you need your blood pressure controlled. If your blood pressure is uncontrolled on your current blood pressure medications, call your health care provider's office during business hours and talk with their nurse for guidance. The best kept secret is that you can call your health care provider's office after hours. There is usually…
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Apparent Resistant Hypertension: What You Need to Know

Apparent Resistant Hypertension: What You Need to Know

So, your hypertension is being treated with several blood pressure medications, BUT your blood pressure is STILL not controlled. Why? You might have apparent resistant hypertension. What is this all about? Apparent resistant hypertension should be ruled out in order to treat resistant hypertension aggressively as soon as possible for the best possible result. Here, I will define hypertension, resistant hypertension, refractory hypertension, and apparent resistant hypertension. Then, I will give two brief scenarios that might sound confusing. But, I will try to emphasize that it is VERY important for you to reveal three things to your health care provider: 1) Your true blood pressure measurement because high blood pressure may be due to inaccurate blood pressure measurements FROM poor technique 2) The EXACT medication you are taking, especially if…
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Resistant Hypertension & ANA Testing

Resistant Hypertension: Why Test For Lupus? I do not know much about lupus, but I do know about resistant hypertension. Nevertheless, recently I have learned that there is an association between resistant hypertension and lupus. Research findings have indicated that people with lupus are more likely to have resistant hypertension. It is important to be tested for lupus if you have resistant hypertension because treatment for lupus MIGHT BE NEEDED. What is Resistant Hypertension? Resistant Hypertension is hypertension that is resistant to treatment. In 2008, resistant hypertension was defined in the American Hypertension Association Scientific Statement. This statement was deemed the first to define resistant hypertension as difficult to treat controlled or uncontrolled hypertension. Further,  three to four medications of different classes including a water pill (diuretic) is the definition…
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Resistant Hypertension, Kidney Disease, & Vitamin D

In my recent post about vitamin D deficiency, I briefly mentioned the role of vitamin D deficiency in resistant hypertension and chronic kidney disease. I will tell you everything you need to know including why you should consider it and the recommended dose. Vitamin D deficiency INFLUENCES the progression of hypertension to resistant hypertension and the progression of chronic kidney disease. This is because vitamin D affects the renin angiotensin aldosterome system and can decrease the production of renin. Therefore, vitamin D decreases blood pressure. Renin is an enzyme that is released by your kidneys to regulate your blood pressure. It controls your blood volume, and therefore, it controls your level of blood pressure. More on this in up coming posts. Vitamin D also decreased protein in your urine. This…
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What Vitamins To Consider To Reduce Resistant Hypertension?

What Vitamins To Consider To Reduce Resistant Hypertension?

Blog, Top Posts
While I am not giving you medical advice, there are vitamins I want you to consider TO HELP REDUCE YOUR RESISTANT BLOOD PRESSURE. Ask your doctor if you need supplementation with vitamins that have been shown to help control blood pressure. They are vitamin D3, K2, AND MAGNESIUM. I will give you further details about these vitamins and how they help decrease blood pressure below. Resistant Hypertension and Vitamin D3 According to research, people with the lowest level of vitamin D have the highest blood pressure. Vitamin D is usually very low in African Americans and in others who do not get enough sunshine. Patients with chronic kidney disease most times have vitamin D3 deficiency. In fact, according to research found in the Archives Internal Medicine in 2009, 70%-80% of…
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How to Know if You Really Have Hypertension

How to Know if You Really Have Hypertension

You must accurately measure your blood pressure to prevent a hypertension crisis. Accurately measuring your blood pressure is the most important thing to do to prevent and treat hypertension. As you know, office blood pressure measurement is the gold standard for monitoring resistant hypertension. Surprisingly, office measurements by your health care provide are not your true blood pressure. [caption id="attachment_896" align="alignnone" width="200"] Checking blood pressure[/caption] In fact,  research has shown that home blood pressure monitoring is the most accurate representation of your true blood pressure. If you use a home monitor, you can partner with your health care provider to control your blood pressure.  Do you know how to accurately measure your blood pressure? Hence, you will know your true blood pressure numbers if you do. In this post, I will…
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5 Tips and Tricks For Better Blood Pressure Control

5 Tips and Tricks For Better Blood Pressure Control

Are you fed up with having elevated blood pressure and have tried lifestyle modifications to get your blood pressure down without success? Did you know that almost half of Americans have trouble controlling their blood pressure despite cheap and even free well-tolerated medications available to treat elevated blood pressure? We know that hypertension must be controlled to prevent  morbidity and mortality, but before the hypertension landmark trials done at Veterans Affairs Hospitals in the late 60's and early 70's, we thought that uncontrolled blood pressure was not a problem. As the story goes, due to our lack of knowledge about hypertension, many died from uncontrolled blood pressure, which is also called the "silent killer." For example, our president Franklin D.  Roosevelt loss his life to a stroke after suffering from uncontrolled…
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Can You Prevent Kidney Failure If You Have Resistant Hypertension?

Can you prevent kidney failure if you have resistant hypertension? Resistant hypertension is high blood pressure that is difficult to control on two medication requiring 3 different classes of blood pressure medication (usually including a water pill called a diuretic). Most times resistant hypertension can be controlled with the 3 classes of antihypertensive medication. The simple answer is that it depends. Certainly you can prevent kidney failure that occurs due to uncontrolled resistant hypertension by keeping your blood pressure controlled. You see the problem with most kidney failure is the damage that is done to the kidneys' filter also know as the glomerulus. If you want to prevent kidney failure or further damage to your kidneys, you have to protect the filter. Your kidneys filter your blood to get waste…
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