Can Supplements or Medications Reduce the Severity of COVID-19?

Can supplements or medications reduce the severity of COVID-19? In this post, I will review Dr. Mobeen Syed recommendations for supplements and medication that might reduce the severity of COVID-19.

Who would believe that we would be still dealing with the coronavirus without clear management or prevention recommendations? Deaths have varied widely but according to the Center for Disease Control report, there have been between 273-2706 people dying every day from COVID-19 since March. The death count is still high with 1021 people who died yesterday.

Although there is no identified effective treatment so far, there might be something you can do to protect yourself from COVID-19. I have no expertise to really talk about this subject, and I should stick to my specific topic of hypertension. However, people with high blood pressure or underline disease have a higher chance of the severe case of COVID-19. Therefore, I feel compelled to share what I have read and learned about COVID-19 to possibly help my audience.

Reducing the Severity of COVID-19

Current research has tested hydroxychloroquine and there are mixed results about its safety and effectiveness. Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore with an antiviral activity that has been shown to work in some people. A z-pack combined with hydroxychloroquine is much more effective in some people. However, based on at least one reliable study, the safety of hydroxychloroquine, especially in certain patients with liver dysfunction. Dr. Syed recommends hydroxychloroquine but says that doctors should use their clinical judgment to treat patients. He has based his opinion on his colleagues’ experience in the clinic and limited clinical studies.

Supplements and Medication Treatment

In 2014, at least 60 studies have shown that zinc is effective in combination with hydroxychloroquine to usher zinc into your body. Hydroxychloroquine stays active in the body for 40 days. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has been given the approval of hydroxychloroquine in clinical trials and emergency treatment only. In addition to the FDA recommendations, hydroxychloroquine could cause problems in patients with heart disease or certain eye diseases. Based on the current knowledge, hydroxychloroquine is illegal in some countries, and chloroquine is not recommended at this time.

Supplements That Might Reduce COVID Severity

Dr. Syed says that doctors and other health care providers should consider the following supplements for themselves and their patients: zinc, quercetin, vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

Quercetin Supplement and COVID-19

According to a small limited study, quercetin works, to some extent, similar to hydroxychloroquine. Quercetin is present in fruit and vegetables (i.e., apples, berries, grapes). The supplement of quercetin (500-1000 mg daily) has been described by some clinicians to be useful to reduce the symptoms of COVID-19.

Zinc Supplement and COVID-19

At least one study has shown that zinc reduces the duplication of COVID-19 in your body. As was mentioned above, zinc combined with hydroxychloroquine could be beneficial for some emergency cases that are approved by the FDA.

Vitamin C Supplement and COVID-19

Vitamin C helps to balances your immune system. An NIH study has shown that intravenous vitamin C can reduce death from sepsis by 30 %. There has not been reliable data to show that taking vitamin C by mouth is effective for COVID-19. The National Academy of Science recommends at least a small dose (75-90 mg) of vitamin C daily.

Nevertheless, vitamin C has been many benefits including better functioning white blood cells. Taking 1000 mg-2000 mg of vitamin C a day. Up to 5000 mg a day might reduce the severity of COVID-19 to decrease free radicals and boost your immune system. The daily recommended value is 500 mg-1000 mg of vitamin C has been recommended by FDA.

Vitamin D Supplement and COVID-19

Vitamin D may help to boost your immunity. It has been shown that spending at least 10-15 minutes in the sun every day could provide enough vitamin D if you are White. Blacks or people with dark skin would need to spend much more time in the sun to get the same benefit. The sun has difficulty penetrating dark skin.

People who are deficient in vitamins may need vitamin D3 or D2 supplements of 1000-5000 mg a day. Vitamin D is not usually toxic and there have not been few in the literature to become ill or die of toxicity. Nevertheless, some doctors, including Dr. Syed, have indicated that vitamin D could cause toxicity. Many doctors recommend vitamin D2 that is prescribed and is the inactive form of vitamin D3. I have taken vitamin D3 as recommended by my doctor for several years. I have no history of the flu despite not getting the flu shot due to my flu shot allergy. This could be just a coincidence, but since 1985, research has shown that respiratory infections are lower with adequate vitamin D levels. Why take a prescribed inactive form of vitamin D when the active form is available?

Summary of Medication and Supplements that Might Reduce COVID-19

Dr. Syed does acknowledge that hydroxychloroquine could cause a heart attack, blindness, or other problems in some patients. Dr. Syed is interested in herb immunity (60-70% of the population immunity) of the population to get us back to normal quickly. He says surgical mask and social distancing save lives. However, Dr. Syed says if a patient gets COVID-19 doctors should consider treating patients with hydroxychloroquine, z-pack, and supplements. Currently, hydroxychloroquine might be illegal to prescribe in general circumstances and perhaps is not readily available. Are supplements sufficient to the job of reducing the severity of COVID-19? Perhaps we will know the answer in the near future.

Click on this link to explore foods that are rich in quercetin.


Information for Clinicians on Investigational Therapeutics for Patients with COVID-19. Retrieved from

National Institute of Health Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Consumers
Vitamin D society
Vitamin D for COVID-19: a case to answer?
Adequate Levels of Vitamin D Reduces Complications, Death Among COVID-19 Patients

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