Poor Sleep Quality Causes Resistant Hypertension

Poor sleep causes resistant hypertension. Adults require 7-8 hours of sleep to get good sleep. If you are getting less than 7 hours of sleep a day, you have poor sleep quality.

Another way you may have poor sleep quality is if you have obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is very dangerous. It happens when you are asleep on your back. Your tongue or other soft tissue in the back of the throat blocks your throat, causing you periods of not breathing (apnea), shallow breathing, or frequent pauses in breathing.

At this point, your body is not getting enough oxygen causing unnecessary stress on your body while you are asleep. This will increase your blood pressure, and over time this could cause resistant hypertension, heart attack, or stroke.

Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure and resistant hypertension. A simple sleep study can diagnose the problem and a hospital or sleep center. A constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can help improve sleep apnea. There are symptoms that may alert you that you need to be tested. The machine forces your airway to stay open so you can breathe normally avoiding heart fatigue.

Sleep apnea can be very dangerous, and a CPAP machine might save your life. The CPAP machine forces air into your lungs, preventing apnea.

There are several signs and symptoms that may occur if you have sleep apnea.

1) neck greater than 17 inches
2) snoring while sleeping
3) insomnia
4) morning headaches
5) memory loss
6) Falling asleep during the day

Weight loss can help improve sleep apnea. See the video below of a sleep apnea case that was improved greatly.


If you have any signs or symptoms of sleep apnea, contact your health care provider to determine if you have sleep apnea.

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