Sometimes you just get lucky and obtain blood pressure control with one medication or a combination pill. This is lucky because the average adult needs at least 2 medications to control their blood pressure.
Of course, taking 2 or more medications is not unlucky, but most people want to take the least amount of antihypertensive medication possible. However, resistant hypertension requires 3 or more antihypertensive medications and some people with hypertension that is difficulty to control (resistant hypertension) need 6 to 8 antihypertension medications.
One of the most frustrating things is to take several antihypertensive medications, and your blood pressure is still elevated. This may lead to discouragement and disbelief that medication is effective.
However, no matter how much medication is needed, the most important thing is to maintain a home blood pressure of less than 135/95 mm Hg (140/90 mm Hg in the doctor’s office) for most people.
Consider yourself lucky regardless because there are several effective medications available as a combination pill including up to three medications in one pill. This could allow someone on 6 -8 medications to be prescribed instead 2 to 3 pills. Ask your health care provide to see if any of the combination pills are appropriate for you.
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